Monday, June 4, 2007

Don't Knock "The Secret" Til You've Tried It

The world is still buzzing from the huge launch of The Secret. It has apparently changed people’s lives beyond belief, some people have even reported becoming instant millionaires and others are finding the love of their lives or they have obtained their dream job, you can find their stories all over the internet, so is this not proof enough that there is some truth in 'The Law of Attraction'?

Or is it just another big scam? People should always have a healthy level of skepticism and question everything that has been hyped up as much as this has but in saying that how many people have really done the scientific and historic research before making their minds up that it’s all a load of baloney? I would guess and say not many people have really investigated the plausibility of ‘The Law of Attraction’ which is the crux of The Secret.

Of course it is very easy for people to dispute it and personally attack the stars of the movie (and Oprah) but the big question is why do people always want to find the bad in something so positive? It tells me that these people are possibly threatened by the idea that we are actually a lot more powerful and in control of our lives than what we have been led to believe and maybe this scares them.

In reality The Secret is no secret at all, it has been studied for hundreds of years by many a great mind and is recorded in the vaults of history. Do yourself a favor read some of the following books:

The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace D. Wattles
The Master Key System by Charles F. Haanel
Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
The Bible

These are all mentioned in The Secret and they are truly masterpieces of their time but they are not the only ones,there are hundreds of them.

If you really want to understand The Secret take the time to research and study the facts and you will start to become aware that we are a lot more than the physical body experiencing life, we are in fact a very loving, powerful spiritual being having a human experience which we can create on a daily basis, be it good or bad. The good or bad we choose to experience is literally up to us at any given moment.

One thing The Secret didn't explain properly is you need to train your thinking and become aware of you. If you don't learn to become aware of yourself and your thinking you will be walking your life experience 'unconsciously'. What this means is you will have 'unconscious' thinking which in turn will create situations or circumstances that may not be pleasant.

Imagine being able to control your thoughts and create positive life experiences and attract love, health, wealth and abundance in all areas of your life. Well you can, all you need to do is be prepared to learn how and take action. You can't just think and say out loud "I want a new car" and poof it appears before you. You need to take the necessary action that will attract the circumstances towards you that will enable you to have that car.

You are so much more than what you realize. It's time to wake up and start living the life you really want. Anything is possible, so don't get caught up in the negative hype and other peoples beliefs, find out the truth for yourself.

If you would like to get free copies of 'The Master Key System' or 'The Science of Getting Rich' just go to The Secret website and register as a secret member and you can download them in pdf format.

To your success


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